In 2018, we saw 2,258 web accessibility lawsuits filed in federal court under Title III of the ADA. As companies scramble to ramp up their understanding of web accessibility (and their legal obligations to it), one thing becomes clear: you don’t want the level of your site’s accessibility to be a surprise to you.

You don’t necessarily need to be an accessibility expert to get an idea of how accessible your site is. In this session, we’ll walk you through how you can put together a basic evaluation on your site’s accessibility. You’ll learn how to:
– build and standardize your accessibility toolset
– keyboard and manually test your pages for common accessibility errors
– test your content and multimedia for accessibility errors
– prepare an accessibility report

At the end of this session, you’ll walk away with the resources and testing scripts needed for conducting your own accessibility testing and some strategies for content management to help keep your site compliant.